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it's what you don't do that matters

Writer's picture: robyn robyn

I have often dreamed of having the time to make an organic sourdough starter from scratch. It is not so much the minutes that it takes (which is only a few per day), but the days. It is an every single day project for weeks, months...maybe even years if you like to bake. It's the daily feeding of fresh flour and water to your starter and then the warming of this bubbly mixture by the woodstove or other warm place you have in your home. Then it's the waiting until it 'sours' so that you can use it in breads, rolls, pizza crusts or whatever doughy treat you can dream of. Which of course, takes more time. Kneading, rising, kneading, rising...then baking. But the reward...that's the sweet spot. That's what makes it all worth it. Fresh out of the oven, steam coming out of those airy pockets you worked so hard to create, grass fed butter slathered on top with just a pinch of celtic sea salt. That's the space I could live in all winter long.

If I had more time.

I mean, between scrolling Instagram reels and binge watching Netflix, scouring Pinterest on how to decorate my house, searching Amazon for the latest peel and stick wallpaper to put on the walls in my bedroom, researching what foods we are no longer eating because of all of the microplastics contained in them, reading countless books because I just got my new library day is pretty full.

I am sure yours is too.

I mean...yes...I am also going to the gym (most of the time), creating new infusions for our products you absolutely love (thank you), cooking healthy dinners for our family (my new thing is brussel everything) and carving out time for the people I love (never enough though).

But what I am finding is that it is not what I do in my daily life to create more time, but instead what I don't do everyday that gives me more time.

It's how we choose to avoid the distractions that take us away from what we want to accomplish. And there are many. Too many. They hold us back from our everyday greatness and sometimes even our purpose for being here. Even if that purpose is making the best sourdough starter...ever.

So I set out to make a list. This one was easy for me. I was born with a list in my hand. I have lists for what I want to do today. I have lists for what I want to do tomorrow, next week, next month. I even have lists for what I want to do next year. I write things on my list that weren't even on there that I did, just so I can cross them off.

I know you've done this too.

But this wasn't that kind of list.

This was a 'T' list. On the left side was things I want to do. Things I desire. Things I want to accomplish. On the right side was everything that is holding me back from accomplishing these. This took some raw honesty to look at everything I was doing throughout the day and everyone I was hanging out with. Who I was texting, who I was talking to, what I was scrolling, what I was watching, what I was listening to in the car, what books I was reading...and compare that to whether or not it helped me achieve the things I desired. My goal was to eliminate or reduce 90% of everything that was on the right side of my list.

And that list was long. But what I found was, that although many things were physical things I no longer was going to partake in (sorry Netflix), many were emotional or mental drains. Drama, spending time with people that were energy drainers (you know who you are), conversations with folks that just want to gossip, constant complainers, pot get my drift. I am just not open for business for that anymore. I won't be taking time away to cater to it. I won't be taking time away to be a part of it. I won't be taking time away, at all, for any of it.

Sounds harsh?

Well this is the thing. We are who we surround ourselves with. We match their energy, their frequency, their vibration. You know how it feels to be around someone who just sucks the energy dry from you. You feel a little bit off (or a lot bit off) after being around them and it takes time to rebalance your energy and get on solid footing again. Now compare that to someone who gives you energy...motivates you, finds solutions to problems, is loyal to you and your cause...someone who believes in you.

Someone who believes in you. That's the magic right there. And when you find someone like that, more are right around the corner if you just look hard enough.

But you won't find them if your binge watching Netflix or scrolling Pintrest. You won't find them diving into whatever your favorite go-to distraction method is (you know). Think about how much time is given to you by not doing these things. Try it for a day. Try it for a week. See what comes up.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a sourdough starter waiting for me...

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